The pyMCU python module is the interface wrapper between the computer and the microcontroller. Once you have installed the module successfully you can begin using it inside an interactive python shell or with your favorite python IDE.
In this overview I will cover the basic use inside the interactive python shell so you can verify the python module and the pyMCU hardware are working correctly.
Start Python: Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
At the prompt import the pyMCU module: >>>import pymcu >>>
You can get general help about the module using pythons built-in help function: >>>help(pymcu)
You will get a listing of all the class object functions and some documentation about what those functions do.
Now create a new mcuModule class object: >>>myBoard = pymcu.mcuModule() >>>
If your software was installed correctly and the FTDI drivers were installed or found by the system then the initialization of the class object should have found and initialized the pyMCU board automatically, if not and you got an error see the Troubleshooting section for more help.
Lets now request some info about the pyMCU hardware to ensure that the board is properly recognized and communicating properly >>>myBoard.mcuInfo() You should see something like this:
Version Info : pymcu for PIC v1.0.14 Available Digital Pins : 1 - 19 Available Analog Pins : 1 - 6 Analog Value Range : 0 - 1023 PWM Pins : 1 - 5 PWM Duty Cycle Range : 0 - 1023 COM Port: : COM23 Baudrate: : 115200
If not please see the Troubleshooting section for more help.
If everything is working as it should and your pyMCU hardware and software are working correctly then you should take a look at the Module Function Documentation and then proceed to the Tutorials.